

Tooth discoloration happens for many reasons, some within our control and others not. For many, tooth whitening is a simple and effective way to improve your smile.


Veneers are thin coverings placed on the front of teeth permanently to alter the color or shape and improve your smile. They can be used in place of bonding to correct irregularities in teeth.


Crowns are tooth-shaped caps placed on top of damaged, weak, or irregular teeth. These can be used for cosmetic and restorative purposes so that your smile looks and feels best.


Bonding is a simple and painless procedure to fix many cosmetic dental issues. Bonding can quickly correct large spaces between teeth, chips, and other irregularities.

Contouring and Reshaping

Reshaping and contouring is a procedure to correct crooked, chipped, irregularly shaped, or slightly overlapped teeth. It is a quick and painless procedure that can improve the appearance of your smile.

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